About VegXN

VegXN was founded to support the business leaders that are intent on disrupting markets through sustainable businesses and business practices.

It's clear that the earth cannot sustain the rate at which commerce the population are growing using 20th century business practices.

Change is needed and relying solely on Governments to take decisive action is not in the best interest of all. And true change only comes from within. That is true for people as well as businesses.

Companies can lead the change that is required to sustain life and the global economy. Not only must that change come from within, but it begins from the top - the owner, founder, entrepreneur, CEO.  

VegXN was founded to support sustainable transformation.

Transformation of you and your business.


Sustainable, Disruptive Force

VegXN is also founded with the knowledge that plants are becoming a disruptive market force and will continue to disrupt markets in increasingly massive ways. From fuels to apparel to food supply, extracting value will increasingly become unsustainable using 20th Century methods. Current practices will go the way of the horse and buggy for transportation and the landline for communication. 

This change to a plant driven economy is reaching a tipping point and will have a devastating effect on businesses that hold on to old methods of creating value. For example, this is happening to the dairy industry right now and will spread to affect all areas of agriculture and aquaculture. It will also affect fuels and chemicals including their raw materials and the products that they create. 

At VegXN we are creating and providing the tools, processes, and resources needed to support the disruptors that are boldly enabling this transition to more sustainable business practices. We also provide help and support to those operations that are being affected by the market shift and help them to transition their business to a sustainable business model sooner, rather than holding on to the "way its always been done" until they go out of business.

VegXN is an eXcellence Network, designed to ensure that you are not doing this alone. Your ideas aren't crazy - there are other disruptors that think like you. We've all made mistakes - let’s not repeat them. We help you skip those mis-steps.

Resources, support, and ideas can come from many different places. VegXN is about helping you find the next million dollar idea to grow your business or implement a sustainable practice; to hold you and others accountable to achieving your chosen personal and business commitments; To deliver a kick in the backside when needed or be a supportive rock when life's unthinkable outcomes becomes someone’s reality.

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